Our institution
The University of Maribor (UM) is the second-largest Slovene university with comprehensive educational and research organization striving for academic excellence and the expansion of knowledge through basic and applied research. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are involved in NABIHEAL project under the UM umbrella. The research team involved gather comprehensive knowledge through years of national and international involvement in scientific and industrial research, among others in the field of development bio/nano-based, sustainable and advanced materials by chemical and biotechnological processes and their comprehensive assessment for diverse technical and medical applications.
Our role in NABIHEAL
UM researchers have established expertise in bacterial cellulose production, which will be exploited in the NABIHEAL project, where the UM group will serve as a provider and developer of new biomaterials (WP1). The second role is co-leading (together with Technion) WP2: Physicochemical characterization tools and definition of critical quality attributes (CQA), where UM will be involved in physicochemical assessment of the developed biomaterials and will have an active role in assignment of CQA and establishment of quality control protocols and standard operating procedures, related to materials processing according to regulatory aspects.