Our institution

CIBER (Consorcio Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red) is the largest Research Network in Spain, gathering Spanish research teams from different universities, research centres, and hospitals. It belongs to the Carlos III Health Institute, the main Public Research Entity responsible of funding, managing, and carrying out biomedical research in Spain. There are 13 CIBER thematic areas. CIBER’s thematic area of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN; https://www.ciber-bbn.es/en) is currently made up of 45 research groups, selected based on their scientific excellence. CIBER-BBN groups work mainly in developing systems and technologies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, connected with specific therapies such as regenerative medicine and nanotherapies. CIBER-BBN conducts cooperative and excellent research in biomedicine, to be transferred to industry and to clinical practice.

In the frame of NABIHEAL, CIBER is the coordination organization and is also in charge of the administration and financial tasks. In addition to the CIBER project unit, there are 3 teams attached to CIBER-BBN thematic area, with well-established collaborative trajectory.

  • CIBER-Projects Unit


Our institution

CIBER-ICMAB/CSIC group has a long trajectory in the research and development of molecular materials for biomedical applications, with extensive experience and recognized excellence in the synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and development, up to pre-clinical regulatory phases, of molecular and polymeric (nano)materials for biomedical applications. CIBER-ICMAB/CSIC’s goal is to continuously generate new knowledge in basic and applied research projects on the micro- and nanostructure of molecular materials, offering this knowledge to improve the properties of products manufactured in different sectors, such as chemical and pharmaceutical, thus contributing to increase their added value. ICMAB runs the Biomaterials Processing and Nanostructuring Unit (U6) of the ICTS NANBIOSIS. The group is awarded with the TECNIO seal, which is given to Catalan research groups with high innovative and technology transfer capabilities.

Our role in NABIHEAL

CIBER is coordinator of NABIHEAL project, through CIBER-ICMAB/CSIC team and is Work Package Lead for WP9: Project and Data Management. Furthermore, CIBER-ICMAB/CSIC serves as Work Package Lead for WP1: Design and Optimization of Multifunctional Biomaterials, due to its knowledge of the formulation and biomaterials requirements, know-how in development of novel drug delivery systems and multifunctional materials, and broad understanding of the capabilities of them, as well as its expertise and facilities for the design, preparation, and physicochemical characterization of multifunctional materials.

Our team for NABIHEAL

Nora Ventosa

Project Coordinator

Judit Tomsen Melero

Scientific Manager, Coordination Team, WP1 Lead

Elisabet González Mira

Team member

Imma Ratera


Elba Guasch

Team member

Guillem Vargas

Team member


Our institution

CIBER-UEx Microbial Adhesion Group belongs to the University of Extremadura, located in Badajoz. Its activity involves the assessment and characterization of microbial colonization processes. In this line, physical surface properties, such as topographical, electrical and surface energetics, that may play a role in the adhesion process of microorganisms, are analyzed. Early adhesion, adherence and the formation of biofilms of microorganisms are studied with both static and flow models, focusing mainly on problems related to implants in orthopaedics and the oral cavity. An important part of the work has also been the assessment of adherence and other pathogenicity factors of yeasts of the genus Candida. The CIBER-UEx Microbial Adhesion Group is in charge of the Surface Characterization and Calorimetry Unit (U16) of the ICTS NANBIOSIS. The purpose of this Unit is to give support to researchers for the analysis of thickness, composition or electrical conductivity, as well as microbial colonization of thin films on surfaces.

Our role in NABIHEAL

CIBER-UEx participates in WP3, Efficacy evaluation (in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo) of the NABIHEAL project. The main role of the group is the evaluation of the in vitro antimicrobial activity of the developed materials. Such activity is tested for microorganisms associated with skin infections present in planktonic state and attach forming biofilms.

Our team for NABIHEAL

María Luisa González Martín

WP3, CIBER-UEx Team Coordinator

Ciro Pérez Giraldo

WP3, CIBER-UEx Team Member

Amparo M. Gallardo Moreno

WP3, CIBER-UEx Team Member

Miguel Ángel Pacha Olivenza

WP3, CIBER-UEx Team Member

M. Coronada Fernández Calderón

WP3, CIBER-UEx Team Member


Our institution

CIBER-UC belongs to the Photonics Engineering Group of the University of Cantabria, a public institution located on the campus of excellence of the University of Cantabria at Santander (Spain). CIBER-UC group has a long trajectory in the research and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models for biomedical applications, being mainly focused on automated feature extraction and automated diagnosis of optical imaging modalities. CIBER-UC’s goal is to develop translational research focus on the direct interaction with clinicians as end-users developing medical diagnostic tools, systems for diagnosis and monitoring of elderly population, micro-nano structures based on laser-tissues interaction for theragnostic applications, optical devices for quality and food safety, and therapies activated by light.

Our role in NABIHEAL

CIBER-UC participation is mainly focused on WP9: Project and Data Management, being responsible for the definition and maintenance of NABIHEAL’s Data Management Plan (DMP) following the Horizon Europe guidelines. CIBER-UC is also involved in WP2: Physicochemical characterization tools and definition of the Critical Quality Attributes (CQA), in the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) models, including machine and deep learning strategies, to predict the optimized Critical Quality Attributes in silico departing from the physicochemical characterization.

Our team for NABIHEAL

Olga M Conde

Contact person, Team member

José Miguel López Higuera

Team member, PI of CIBER-UC

Adolfo Cobo

Team member

Francisco J. Madruga Saavedra

Team member

José Alberto Gutiérrez Gutiérrez

Team member

Verónica Mieites

Team member

CIBER-Projects Unit

Our institution

CIBER-Projects department assists their researchers during the entire project life cycle. With a team of 10 dedicated professionals, 3 of them specialized in international projects, the unit works side by side with scientists during proposal preparation, collaborating to improve the quality of the proposals according to requirements of the call with a team of 3 experienced writers/editors. The unit is also responsible for the negotiation process and taking the lead in administrative and financial follow-up of the granted projects to ensure that scientists have a professional support for project management.

Our role in NABIHEAL

CIBER is coordinator of the NABIHEAL project. CIBER is in charge of WP9: Project and Data Management, due to its previous experience in the management of large collaborative projects since FP6. The Projects Unit is in charge of Coordinating tasks such as: The overall legal, contractual, ethical, financial, and administrative management; Obtaining audit certificates by each of the participants, and when required, maintenance of any consortium agreement.

Our team for NABIHEAL

Cristina Rodríguez

Administrative and Financial Responsible, Project Management

Raquel Campo


Monica Bouzo

Team member, Coordination team

Alicia Fraguas

Team member, Coordination team financing and administrative